Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditoins

 THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS (“TERMS OF USE”) STATE IMPORTANT REQUIREMENTS REGARDING YOUR USE OF BookPrinterOnline WEBSITE AND Insideprinter247 COMPUTER SUPPORT SERVICE AND YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH Insideprinter247 YOU SHOULD READ THEM CAREFULLY AS THEY CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS SUCH AS HOW LONG IT LASTS, FEES FOR EARLY TERMINATION, OUR RIGHTS TO CHANGE ITS CONDITIONS, LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY, PRIVACY, SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES BY ARBITRATION INSTEAD OF IN COURT AND CLASS ACTION WAIVER. IF YOU ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, IT WILL APPLY TO ALL YOUR SERVICE PLANS FROM US, INCLUDING ALL YOUR EXISTING PLANS. YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THESE TERMS & CONDITIONS WILL BE IMPLIED BY THE USE OF THE Insideprinter247 SERVICE.AGREEMENTTHESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, TOGETHER WITH EACH ACCEPTED PLAN ORDER SUBMITTED BY YOU, ANY ADDITIONAL TERMS MENTIONED FOR YOUR PLAN ORDER AND THE PRIVACY POLICY, STATE THE ENTIRE AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND Insideprinter247 . (THE “AGREEMENT”).The PLANSOrder will form the part of the “Agreement” only if it has been acknowledged by Insideprinter247 in writing or by an e-mail. You must agree to the Terms and Conditions in order to be eligible to use the Insideprinter247 Websites (defined below), or obtain Insideprinter247 Services (defined below).DEFINITIONSCertain terms defined in these Terms and Conditions are also used in the Privacy Policy and are incorporated by reference to these Terms and Conditions.“Content” – Software, Materials, Services and other related information are collectively referred to as “Content.”“You” or “you” – “You” means you individually, any person, including any employer that you are acting on behalf of.“ BookPrinterOnline Certified Technician” – “ BookPrinterOnline Certified Technician means” technicians and specialists certified by BookPrinterOnline to perform the Services under this Agreement.“Subscription Based Plans” – “Subscription Based Plans” or “Subscription/(s)” are tenured Subscription plans offered by BookPrinterOnline that are active for a specified period and will not include any incident-based plans such as “Per Incident Plan” or the like.“Services” – All references to “Services” refer to any BookPrinterOnline service delivered under the plan that you enter into with BookPrinterOnline through use of the BookPrinterOnline Websites (defined below) or by calling the BookPrinterOnline phone number mentioned on the BookPrinterOnline Websites. These Terms of Use govern all plans available through the BookPrinterOnline Website, and any use of the BookPrinterOnline Websites. In the event of any conflict these Terms of Use control any valid Plan Order form that you submit requesting Services (“Plan Order”).“ Materials”– “Materials” means any web casts, download areas, white papers, press releases, datasheets, FAQs, product information, quick reference guides, or other works of any kind that are made available to download from the BookPrinterOnline Websites are the proprietary and copyrighted work of BookPrinterOnline and/or its suppliers. The definition of “Materials” does not include the design or layout of the BookPrinterOnline .net web site or any other BookPrinterOnline owned, operated, licensed or controlled website.“Software”– “Software” means a computer program of any kind, whether owned by BookPrinterOnline or a third party, whether delivered via download, CD, other media, or other delivery method, including client and/or network security software. Elements of the Software are protected under copyright, trade secret, unfair competition, and other laws. Software includes both BookPrinterOnline Software and third-party Software. Your use of Software is subject to the respective agreements such as a license agreement or user agreement that accompanies or is included with the Software, ordering documents, exhibits, and other terms and conditions that apply (“License Terms”).

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